Carpe diem!

Gardening is an enriching & gratifying skill that restores calm and ease, where you can embody a more soothing, balanced lifestyle. Starting is half the battle; learning the process opens doors to an enriching experience with loads of benefits. With a beginner's mindset, all it takes is knowing the basics and making a goal towards success, reaping the fruits of your labor.

Gardening over the past several years was a place where I grew more curious, regained my sense of creativity, and where I could pour into myself in a safe place. I enjoyed my career but wanted to find a meaningful outlet for investing in self-care, restoring my strength from everyday demands. Even during the pandemic, my apartment balcony housed over 50 plants of different varieties and where I sharpened my skills and deepened my passion for making green spaces.

You can easily choose plants that suit your space & lifestyle. If you love making quick & new recipes but want fresh, organic ingredients on the ready, consider growing a garden with vibrant tomatoes, crisp lettuce, or berries to add as a garnish for salad making. Or, if you're craving more color and energy in your home, grow zinnias, tulips, or chrysanthemums for seasonal cuttings of your floral bouquet grown from home. No matter where you look, there are endless possibilities for merging gardening into your life.

If you're looking for ideas for incorporating a garden or want advice on a new design or project, book a coaching session with us here. We'll help you on your journey to restoring inner peace & sense of purpose.